Wednesday, February 25, 2009

An early spring?

I know it's only February, but I heard a birdie outside our window this morning. Icicles are drip dripping. And I heard it's 40 degrees. That might mean a spring day! I told myself I'd finish a scarf before I ventured out into that sunny balmy day- but first, here's my progress so far. It's refreshing to work with shades of blue, periwinkle, purple and green. Below is my palette, sitting on a wheelie chair next to the loom for easy access.

And here's a pic of Pidge, perched on Albert's chair- slightly ticked (this is one of 20 photos) at how amused I was with the quantity of flubbiness hanging off the sides (how does she balance up there?)
Last night was a beautiful farewell dinner for our friend, Olga, who's moving to Portland on Saturday. A mushroom casserole a la 101 cookbooks and Sam's cinnamon swirl coffee cake. Yum!

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