Saturday, April 14, 2012


I recently attended the online etsy symposium - an all day series of workshops dedicated to creating a successful and rewarding etsy shop. I followed along diligently, taking notes in a thick workbook they offered. I've come out of the experience with a big kick in the pants of motivation. I've gotten so many ideas to improve pidge pidge, I'm forcing myself to work on a little chunk at a time. 

You may have noticed a new logo at the top of this here blog and facebook. That was step one. Steps two through one hundred include new listing descriptions, a new product line (prototype in the works!), connecting more with my shoppers and creating my personal story.

Here's draft one!

I was afraid if I'd majored in fibers in college, I'd never get a job. On pick-your-major night in college, I attended all the popular career friendly art presentations (read: graphic design). then I poked my head in the fibers room instantly digging the program. After much deliberation, I settled on illustration - bending the assignments to my preferred medium and embroidered and appliqued everything. I took all the fibers electives I could sign up for and spent the summer after graduation in the studio, weaving for hours every day.  I thank my weaving teacher and mentor (yay Anne Clark!) for giving me the freedom to explore my craft and go wild with color!

It took 5 years of less than ideal jobs to get that final push. After quitting the last of the less than idea jobs, I went to Chicago with my awesome friend, Rachel, to help her sell her wares at the September Renegade fair (check out Red Prairie Press!). I came back with loads of inspiration and Rachel held my hand as I created this etsy shop. She continues to give me a big kick in the pants of motivation whenever I need it.

I'm mostly talking about myself so that I can also bring up Rachel.
And say happy big ole birthday, friend! 
Check out her stylish and super cozy new 100% handmade skirts and feel free to get two- one for me and one for you.

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