Thursday, September 16, 2010


A few images from last weekend! Gorgeous weather- Saturday was almost toasty in my tent! Rain for 20 minutes on Saturday made for chilly perfect scarf temperatures..

We were allowed to set up on Friday- Albert and I pitched the tent together. I admit I
was nervous the tent would blow away in the night (a few years back I helped my friend, Rachel, at Chicago Renegade and there was general tent devastation over night), but Albert assured me all would be fine. We staked the 4 corners into the grass and put cinder blocks on top. Display worked great- we hung dowels with embroidery hoops for scarves on one side and borrowed a table from mom for the dressform, more scarves and business cards on the other.

The show was a success- so nice to weave outside instead of holed up in the attic studio (I brought a mini table loom to work on a Christmas present for Albert) and see so many smiling faces! I love meeting other artists- definitely my favorite part of the show.

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