Boy, I've been delinquent. Got over a nasty sinus infection over the new year and have guiltily let the laziness continue. The next few weeks are gonna be exciting though... Albert, Jon and I head to Utah for the Slamdance Film Festival next Thursday! We will watch great movies until our eyes bleed, schmooze with all the fancy folk, maybe walk down the street to see something at Sundance, bask in the mountains, etc. Then 2 weeks later we head to San Francisco for Indiefest! I have always always wanted to visit California and this seems like a dream.. we actually bought tickets. we are actually going!
pidge pidge has been on a spontaneous hiatus.. but I did a much needed clean up in the studio and am ready to weave! The winter months are a little slower- perfect for building inventory. Possible craft show in the future? Buffalo Small Press Expo is in March.. working on the application and timing and will keep you updated!
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